Rainfall Records from NOAA

Since we didn't get any of the snow that I predicted, I'll take the safe route and share some NOAA rainfall reports released this afternoon...

This past five month period, September-February, has been the second rainiest September-February in San Antonio, since records have been kept. San Antonio has almost received a year's worth of rainfall in only 5 months. Pretty amazing when you stop and think how we went through one of the worst 2 year droughts in our history. Here are the top 4 rainiest September-Februarys so far. Don't forget, we are only halfway through February.

1. September 1875 through February 1875: 31.71 inches of rain
2. September 2009 through February 2010: 30.70 inches of rain
3. September 1991 through February 1992: 28.73 inches of rain
4. September 1967 through February 1968: 28.33 inches of rain


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